Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Well, it's about that time again. I think mainly because today marks 5 months since I arrived in the Netherlands. I can't believe that in a month I'll have already been here half a year. I'm really amazed at how fast time is flying.

This month also marks 10 years of being a vegetarian. I know this has nothing to do with Europe, but I just wanted to mention it because it's a pretty big milestone for me.

Anyway, what's happened since my last update? I think the most important thing is that I finally met some relatives here! My dad passed on some info to me months ago about a cousin I have who owns a hair salon in Koog aan de Zaan (which is about an hour and a bit from here, past Amsterdam). He knew I was itching to get my hair done, and suggested I go see her. Apparently they were anxiously awaiting my call, because they knew exactly who I was the moment I opened my mouth to ask for Nanette.

So, we made an appointment for the middle of January, and I went up to meet my cousin for the first time. (Just a side note: Nanette is actually a 3rd cousin, our grandmothers are sisters). To be honest, I wasn't expecting much at all. My dad's side of the family is quite conservative, and with her living in a small Dutch town, well, I'm sure you can get the idea of my expectations. But I was pleasantly surprised at how well we hit it off.

Her and her husband, Wilbur, own a really chic hairsalon, where she cut and dyed my hair "out of love" (her words, not mine). She dyed my hair a dark chocolaty brown, and did a really amazing job at trimming up my very uneven (but growing) hair. And she even understands the concept of blunt bangs! (Most hair dressers always want to make them wispy.) AND she's even going to continue doing my hair!

So, after my hair was all done, they took me to their house, with a bit of a scenic detour.

Koog aan de Zaan is pretty much the cutest most Dutch town I've seen yet. I really wish I had had time to take photos so you could see what I mean. Cobblestones, windmills, bright green houses with red slanted roofs. And their house was SO gorgeous! They completely renovated the whole house to their liking. It's a townhouse situated right on the lake, where they have a view of windmills across the way, and the interior is very turn of the century European.

We sat and chatted for a while - talked about our cats, and families and other random tidbits. Then they took me out for dinner in Amsterdam, to this cute little Italian restaurant, and afterwards we parted ways. I can't wait til I can go and visit them again!

Well, to be honest, not a whole lot has been happening since my last update. However, this weekend I'm off to Paris! We leave Thursday night, and return Sunday. Although, I'm thinking about stopping over in Belgium on my way back, since I have all next week off. I've yet to see Brussels, and I'd also like to see more of Antwerp.

So, you should be hearing from me again soon, and with more photos. Sorry for the lacking update, but I think I'll have a lot more to say next time around.

For now, I'll leave you with a photo I took last weekend:

That's the Vredespaleis in the background, or the Peace Palace. This building is about a 3 minute bike ride from my house, and if I walk a block to the end of the road, I can see the back of it. Aside from being an amazingly gorgeous building, it's also a really important building as it's the home of the International Court of Justice and the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Pretty neat that such important things go on just around the corner.

Anyway, til next time... xxx

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